
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

nothin special (<--- havent i already used that title? IM LOSING MY MIND)

hey peoples! we (sarah and i) went to burkes outlet to shop for gifts for our boyfriends!!! yay!!!! i also got jewlery for my two best friends and for sarah!!! i got jamal a wallet and English Leather cologne. i was going to give him Old Spice, since that is my FAVORITE smell in the universe, but then every time i would hug him i would think of my dad and that would be WEIRD!!!!! even though i already am! lol. my puppy Bekah just chew up a game piece to our Jenga game. T_T!!! exams are almost over!!! i know two of my scores-on biology and algebra 1A- and they SUCK!!! in biology i got a 64-but my semester grade was an 88- and in algebra 1A i got a 65- no idea wat my semester grade iz in that class- and idk wat i got on my other exams. monday i took biology and world history and today i took algebra 1A and French- harder than u think! and tomorrow i am gonna take the JROTC exam and my English exam which will be soooo easy-im talking about the English exam here. the JROTC exam will be HARD!!!
oh, guess wat? my cell phone broke!!! it has started to turn off and on quite spontaniously!!! that can get really annoying when u are txting sum 1 sumthing really important. and, today i got my hair cut AND my eyebrows waxed for the VERY FIRST TIME!!! PAIN!!!! i have also decided to start paragraphing my posts from now on, so people can read them easier!!! GAH! i just sneezed my brains out of my nose!!! lol. my neighbor has dropped off som chocolate bread and i have cut my self some to eat whiole i type. Bekah is trying to eat it. i must go- for fear of losing my bread!!! and to go post sumthin on my authors of the future blog!! love yas!! bye!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


hey peoplez! howz it goin? i hav only a short amount of time, so i will just briefly catch u up with wat iz happenin with me. im keepin up my uther blog, dating a guy named jamal, performing in my church play, and on the AB honor roll. (probably not for the third 9 weeks.) im still in JROTC, still hav asthma, but life iz good! (sorta.) i hav to go, but i promise that when i get home from church i will add another post! love yaz!! bye!!