
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I AM CURED!!!!! kinda.....

i can now walk of my foot without crutches!!! which is good, cuz my arms hurt from yesterday!!!! i had to use them @ school, and it sucked!!!!! grrrr...... anyway, I AM CURED!!!!! kinda...... lolz. i am thinking about doing a nother book for phatgirlreadingcircle...... we are gonna do the scarlett letter in english, so maybe yall could do what i do? *thinky face* will think on later! now obssesed with the song thinking of you by katy perry, which is one of the two songs that i actually like from her (the other being hot 'n' cold). i am also (still) reading the order of the phoenix book from the hp series. it is taking me longer that i thought that it would. hmmmm....... *another thinky face*...... i'm back! lolz.

ta for now,
you know who i am!

Friday, September 17, 2010

what an idiot i am!!!

ok, here is a sample of my complete idiocy:

i stepped off a curb 2 school and turned my foot. thatz not the idiocy part... when did i decide to go to the ER? as i was sitting at the top of the bleachers at Ogle Stadium at 8 o'clock at night! i am now officially an idiot!!!

no school today, which is the third day i have missed since school has been in. that is kinda bad cuz i have so much make up work now. i need a hug. grrr..... i also need BAM (Books-A-Million) and a steaming cup of joe muggs hot chocolate. nothing better than hot coacoa and a good book.... and a sprained foot. :(