
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Friday, August 13, 2010

birthday wishes

hey ma peeps! waz up? watcha doin? today i want to give a birthday wish to my best friend KATHERINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- way to many exclamation points!!! lolz, i lov her dearly, and she lives in north dakota. today she is turning 16, and im gonna call her later. must run, but i luv ya!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

about school..... the boring facts of my life

hey ma peeps!!! waz up? we have officially finished all the first days of school! so now we actually have to learn something. :,[ ok jk! well, i discovered that PE is gonna be..... interesting. my best friend is in my class, so that is a plus. i went to french 2 ofter PE and my french teacher is CRAZY!!!!! i'm gonna have a fun year with ms. west. i have first lunch on both my a day and b day so i go from french to lunch!!! AWESOME!!! after lunch then i have honors sophmore english. my sister's boyfriend is in that class, and so is my friend alex. oh, and DeSTINY who is the most awesome friend EVER!!! im running out of songs to listen too!!! after english, i have us history with destiny. i think that i am gonna enjoy a-day more than b-day. sissy's bf hunter sayz that he is gonna have two seperate backpacks for a and b day, and mom thought it was an amazing idea. i like it too. i have to go, mostly cuz I GOTSTA PEE!!!!!!!!!!!! love yas!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

day 2!!!

FINALLY!!! one first day over, now onto the second first day! we are doing a modified block schedule this year so i only have four periods a day. GRRRRR Algebra 1B for two hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhh..... *runs away screaming*. i joke! its not so bad, and i kinda like this block schedule! *I've got a tight grip on reality but i can't/let go of whats in front of me here!* the only exception by paramore, which is what i am listening to now. except my first class today is PE. i have PE first period! anyone who has gone through or is going through high school and has had PE first period, PRAY FOR ME!!! *No! you'll never be alone!* whispers in the dark by skillet. must run, so blog ya later!

Monday, August 9, 2010

profile news

just so you know, in my profile it has my astrological sign wrong. im a piscese.

back to school... NOOOOOO

hey my peoples!!! today is the first day of school, and i am now a sophmore!! im not as nervous or excited as i thought i would be. well, maybe it's brcause i spent most of my summer up at austin for band stuff...... *thinky face*. anyway, i think i have a new wake up routine. when i woke up this morning, i went downstairs and got on the computer. i opened a new tab before i did anything else to pu up youtube. then i put on brick by boring brick and ignorance by paramore while i checked my deviantArt. then i got onto my blog and i am typing this while i am listening to hero by skillet. i just finished whispers in the dark. the loud music really wakes me up, and i like it!!! lolz, i have to go eat the most important meal of the day, which is usually the most boring!!!!
love yall! stay weird! C:

Friday, August 6, 2010

it haz been 4 EVA!!!

waz up my peeps?! i have been so uber busy this summer that i haven't had a chance to blog at all! i have discovered that i love paramore AND skillet!!! anf that writing a musical is incredibly hard!!!!!!!! i know this a relayy small post, but i have to leave!! LOVE YOU!