
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

the Brew and Johnny Wyker

so tonight was open mike night at the Daily Brew. we had a special guest: Johnny Wyker. he is....... eccentric, but in a good way.

so it came to be mine and sarah's turn to do a song together. we sang Orinoco Flow. mom said he was interested, but he just continued his conversation with someone. sarah, mick, and i went up to do two songs. we did Anyone Else but You first, and he continued with his conversation. we then did the 20$ song (Life is a Rock but the Radio Rolled Me) and he continued his conversation. then sarah came up and did two songs.

she did an original. he conversed. but when she broke into Oh Darling by The Beatles, you bet your butt he stopped. he payed attention. and he stood and applauded for her. i sat down with him after she was done and he sang her praises. "finally someone catches my eye in this place!" he says.

i smile and nod and agree and excuse myself to go pee. he LOVED sarah. "what did he say about you?" you ask? well, i will tell you............... nothing. absolutley nothing. and my dad, Mr. Tact, comes over to me and says, "he is a hard punchin song kind of guy. next time, do a hard song, like Pullin' back the Reins." i nod.

so recap: a Rock and Roll Royal came to the Daily Brew and was impressed with my sister. he was silent about me. i have a headache. that stressed me out WAY more than it should have. and my friend is still in the hospital and won't tell me why.

im going to bed.

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