
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


hey peoples! hows it going? this is for your parents, so get them. parents, you don't know how hard it is for teenagers. i know you were one once. but everything has changed. you don't know the amount of pressure that teenagers are under. if it could be weighed in the amount of a pressing machine, all of your kids would be pancakes and you would be scarping them off the floor, being them for forgiveness because. i know i am being alittle harsh, but parents need to know. they need to know about how their kids are at school cussing their brains out, talking about inappropriate materials. kids are all about sex and getting pregnant at thirteen years old, even if it wasn't their plan to do so. kids are drinking, doing drugs, and smoking. i know they are smoking because i was there when two girls in my PE class passed a cigarette lighter to each other. some of you (parents) may already know this. some of you probably had no idea. but you had to know.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


hey peoples! today we are going to talk about your future job. now, what is your most favorite thing to do in thw whole wide world? it could be singing, dancing, writing, drawing, wresteling, horseback riding, football, so on and so forth. but how do you know what you will do when you graduate college? i qouted this from a very great man: "WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING, DO YOU WANT TO SING FIRST? CAN YOU NOT STOP AND THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE DURING THE DAY? DO YOU THINK OF SINGING WHEN YOU GO TO SLEEP? THEN YOU ARE A SINGER." Robert D. Weeks. that was said to me. it doesn't mean you have to think of singing for that to be true. it could be used for any number of things. just follow your heart and shoot for the stars. bye!!:)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

i'm back

hey peoples! i'm back form the grounding! i have missed you all these few weeks. alot has happened in the last few weeks. my aunt got married to this very nice man. we are re-painting the kitchen a very pretty shade of yellow, it is a dandilion color. i have missed all my fans. no boyfriend luck yet. even if i am too young. this is usually were i give my advice. i am going through a tough part of my life- the teen faze. to all the girls and guys who log onto my blog, my advice is: don't fight it. don't fight your life because it all seems unfair. your life is so hectic and jumbled and scary when you are this age. you are self consious and you think everyone hates you. but it is also the most wonderful time in your life. this and ages 14 and 15 are usually when you get your first boyfriend/girlfriend. it is the most scary wonderful time in your life. just go with the flow. and buy some acene cream. it will be alright. don't be stupid and cut yourself and do drugs and drink. you will be alright. BYE!!:)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


hey peoples. i can't blog for the next ten days or so. sorry but i am grounded. it is heck. o well. bye!!:)

Thursday, August 14, 2008


hey peoples. wake up. its a beautiful day. the title today is writing. because i have some important news. i am going to start a collection of short stories! they will be about my family and friends. that will be about 10 short stories. i think i will make a short story book. if you want to be in a short storie, leave a comment about yourself. bye!:)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


hey peoples. wake up. i have a few announcements. first off, if you like to draw, you should pay attention. The Carnage Visual Arts Center is giving lessons. for all you soon to be artists, its only, like, fifteen dollars. i don't remember because its been forever since i took lessons. and second of all, why are you people not sending me comments?! i would like to hear your thoughts and opinions. well, i gota go. breakfast calls!! bye!!:)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

in general

hey peoples. its a school day. and, shocker, i actually finished my homework! it was sorta easy since it was simple addition. i can't wait fo division! (that was sarcasm. i stinck at math) shout out to our newest members meghan and rebecca. i gota go. see you next time! bye!!:)

Monday, August 11, 2008


hey peoples. i just got home from school. it was murder. i was embarrased in two classes. no health tip today. if your ever embarrased, just laugh with your peers. and if their not laughing, just pretend it never happened and think of something funny. i gota go. bye!:)


hey peoples. rise and shine so i can tell you about some book i recomend. like SONG OF THE SPARROW. it takes place in the time of king aurthur. you hear some familiar characters. and the ALEX RIDER series. he is a 14 year old who lost his parents and his uncle, who had been secretly training him all his life to become a spy. and the book I"D TELL YOU I LOVE YOU BUT THEN I'D HAVE TO KILL YOU. that is a book i am currently reading. its about a school for spies. The Gallagher Academy is a school for exceptionaly bright girls. but when one of the girls meets a boy on the mission, will she blow it? thats all for now peoples. bye!:)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

want adds

hey peoples. i want to give a special thakns to nick for helping my. not! thakns fo laughing at me. anyway, calling all tutors! Help me with my pre-algebra homework. and please work fo free. Bye!:)

pre algebra

hey peoples. hows it goin'? school started thursday and i like it. except pre algebra. any math in general is bad. i'm no good at math. i need serious help to get it. but lukily, i will get that help. health tip: don't sit around all day infront of the tv or the computer. get out side and get active! thanks nick for helping me with my homework. bye peoples!!:)

Friday, August 8, 2008


hey peoples. good morning. yesterday was the first day of school. i saw all my friends and met my new teachers. i really like mrs. palmby and coach baxter. health tip: don't skip breakfast. it is the most important meal of the day and you will need energy to go to school. shoutout to my friends stina, mimi, sandi, and katherin. hey!! well, i gota go. bye!!! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008


hey peoples. shout out to mrs. jackie. my first day was great! hey lauren. how is roary? leave a message. luv u!! hey my friends. happy blogging. luv u all my fan and friends. bye!!

today is the day

hey peoples. today is the day! the first day of school has crept up on us. shout out to mrs. jackie. i am going to borrow your tip. health tip: if you need a soda, choose a diet right. it is like water!! well, i have to go eat breakfast. go black bears!! bye :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


hey peoples. wake up. tomorrow is the first day of school. so get ready to make new friends, meeting new teachers, and i am typing one handed. start getting your books together and get ready for some fun. (the fun part was sarcasm. school isn't fun.) health tip: lay off the sweets and sodas. you'll loose more weight if you do. i know what all you sweet and soda addicts out there are saying " i can't drop sodas. i'll die! " well, just have soda once a week. then once every two weeks. then once every month. then just drop them. here is a non health related tip: when you fight with your friends, het there side of the story before you accuse them of something. i'm sorry olivia! your awsome. bye!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


hey peoples. good morrning. we're one more day closer to school. i got Mrs. Edgil this year. So did most of my friends. Well, atleast i'm in chorus. Health tip: always try to have some protien for breakfast. and don't skip breakfast. your only hurting yourself. well, gota run. bye!!! :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

back to school

hey peoples. wake up and scrape that crud off your face because it is a beautiful day. are you all ready for school? i am. so get up, breath in that fresh air, have somr toast and get active this morrning. here is a healthy tip: when you get up, go for a jog. when you come home and eat your breakfast, take a long walk. thats all i have time for rightnow. bye!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

shout out

hey my peoples. how is it goin? guess what? my cousin is pregnent! It is a girl!! we are all so happy. congrats Lauren. Hey Kevin. Luv u all. Bye!!!
hey peoples. how was church? tip of the day: when you eat, eat small portions and only one helping. and try having fruit salad or something like that for dessert. shout out to my friends nick, olivia, alex, and courtney. u guys rok!!! adios!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

hey peoples, again. i would really appreciate your coments and questions. and i would like to see how many of you like irish punk music! like the pouges. send me your coments and you name so i know who sent them. bye


hi peoples. welcome to phat girls usa. to some people, PHAT means pretty hot and tempting. but here it means pretty hot and thick. i mean to speek out to all the fat(phat) girls out there. here you will recive advice, weight tips and you can talk to me about the problems that you have being fat or phat. so welcome to my blog! http://www.phatgirlsusa.com