
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


hey peoples. wake up. tomorrow is the first day of school. so get ready to make new friends, meeting new teachers, and i am typing one handed. start getting your books together and get ready for some fun. (the fun part was sarcasm. school isn't fun.) health tip: lay off the sweets and sodas. you'll loose more weight if you do. i know what all you sweet and soda addicts out there are saying " i can't drop sodas. i'll die! " well, just have soda once a week. then once every two weeks. then once every month. then just drop them. here is a non health related tip: when you fight with your friends, het there side of the story before you accuse them of something. i'm sorry olivia! your awsome. bye!!


phat girls usa said...

i havent had a chance to read this yet.

Unknown said...

Here is a hint that I learned while a Weight Watcher member. If you absolutely MUST have a soda...choose Diet Rite. Read the label. There's no sugar, no carbs, no sodium, no calories. In other words, it is better for you than other soda. In fact, my WW Instructor said we could count it as water. Of course, ideally, water is better for you and you need lots of it. But...if you just can't pass up a soda, choose wisely.