so its christmas eve. dad is home. i should be happy right? well, he is first out to be called, which means he will probably have to go to work in about...... oh, twenty or thrity miutes. and not a yard job, which only lasts twelve hours. he will probably go to Montgomery, or Nashville. he was eligable to get called at 3:20 this morning, and im surprised we wasn't called then. but he will be called soon.
i don't care. he misses a lot of things.
I know that you were sad! I hated to see you upset at Aunt Connie and Tim's. Hang in there Bugger...everything is going to be A-OK! AND you get to spend 4 days with us this week...that is a plus...right?????
i kimda knew yall knew that we were crying, i just figured that yall decided to let it alone or something. 4? i thought it was thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday........ duh!!!!!!!!!!!!
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