
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

getting help........ hopefully

i have a problem. i don't know what it is, but it is a problem. actually i have two problems. my other problem is about people writing off my first problem as being a teenager.

ok, that was confusing. my problem is that i am having drastic mood swings, depression, anxiety, eratic sleep behavior, so on and so forth. my second problem was stated above; that people are writing it off as hormones or being a teen. well, im tired.

im tired of people doing that! saying, "it's part of being a teen. you'll grow out of it. it's just hormones." IT'S NOT! i have never in my LIFE felt this way. i have never just wanted to leave my home, and my family, and never look back. i have never wanted to physically injure my sister or my parents to the extent of crippling them. i have never been a jerk for no reason, or yelled at my best friend for no reason. it scares me, and i want help. but i don't think i can get it at home.

after the new year we are calling dr. marques and getting the number of a psychologist. mom thinks that talking to someone i don't know might help, since writing out my feelings only makes them worse.

i want to be able to talk to my friends, but they write it off as being a teen. well, i know many young adults who have never gone through this before.

i don't want to be depressed, but i am. i don't want to have a problem trusting people, but i do. i don't want to want to break my sisters arm, or slap my mom, and kick my dad in the gut, but i do.

and yeah, lots of teens feel this way. but it is normal for them, and it is NOT normal for me.

i just wish that people would realize that and stop saying it is my age.


Lauren said...

You are not weird..and it is VERY good that you recognize that you need some help instead of just bottling it up and internalizing it. I promise, I know it doesn't look like it now, but it will all be OK.

You know that I am here if you need me, always have been, always will be. Hang in there!

See you guys tomorrow!

phat girls usa said...

i know it is good that i realize that i have a problem, i just wish that mom would embrace that theory instead of writing it off as teen angst and stuff.