
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


my boyfriend just took me to Books-A-Million, which is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world, and broke up with me. he gave me no reason why and asked if we could still be friends. i said "of course we can still be friends and if you want to tell me why then you can and if you don't then that is your reason." then we got up from the table we were at and went through the store, completley ignoring ewach other.
i told me mom, and she sent my dad to come pick me up right away. i got a calender, a pack of gum, and a cool beans bookmark and then waited outside for my dad. sent quinn a quick text telling him that my dad had came and gotten me and erased his reply as soon as i read it. at least i don't have a facebook or myspace so i don't have to change my status. except on here and deviantArt.
i still haven't cried.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

post-college plans!

i know exactly what i am gonna do after college. i have it all planned!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

i am going to spend a year in Europe, starting in London. 2 months there, and then to Italy. ROME! 5 months in Italy, and then to Germany for 6 weeks. next up is France. PARIS! just a month there, and lets hope the french class i am taking in school sticks! then i am going to india for 2 months. then it is 2 weeks heading home, and that is the end of my year! *please let me know if my math is off*

then i am going to NYC. i am gonna live there for 4 years. after that i am going to move to a small village in Ireland, location unknown as of yet, and just stay there. i will have a collie dog and three cats.

by my third year of college i plan to have already have four books published, so i will be incredibly rich. that means that i will have the money to fly down to decatur when i live in NYC for holidays, or have family fly up. same with when i live in Ireland. i plan on moving mom to Ireland when dad retires.

ta-da!!! whatcha think?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

In Honor

in honor of Thanksgiving, i am now going to mak a list of things i am thankfull for!

  • My family, most definatley.
  • The situation at home. Even though it sometimes doesn't seem like it, I have friends who are in worse situations than I am in.
  • My sister, most definatley.
  • My best friend Meghan. WIthout her, I wouldn't have event he little bit of self esteem that I have today.
  • All my friends, who are almost always there gor me.
  • Quinn. Without him, I might have never known what it is like to have deep feelings for a guy.
  • Everyone around me.
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Gum
  • The imagination God gave me. Without it, I might not be the girl I am today.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No Place Like Home for the Holidays....... maybe

does anyone remember that song? well, it is kinda a lie. right now there are many places i would rather be than home. not because i don't love my family or anything, cuz i do! it is just that our house is sooooo fun during thanksgiving and christmas! (please note the sarcasm) mom is always stressed, and boo boo is always at our house, even when it isn't the holidays! mom can get pretty mean when she is stresses, and when sarah and i try to help, she always yells at us. and i hold my tongue when boo boo gets on to us for not helping around the house when he has lived there for a year and hasn't helped do the dishes once! please, don't think that i am mad or angry at the fam. i understand the pressure. i just needed a rant, and my boyfriend is in a place with no cell reception.

Monday, November 1, 2010

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! (even if it is late)

HAPPY (day after) HALLOWEEN!!!!! sorry im late but i was real tired after passing out candy and didn't bother to get on the computer. i have something to say.............

I WON POETRY OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am the original poetry winner and my friend iliana lomeli won the recitation. we go to UAH on november 19 and if we win that we go to montgomery and if we win THAT then we go to the big competition in washington dc! wish us luck!

ok, i'm bored now. gotta go get ready for school and text the bf.

see ya!