
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

gosh u must hate all the apologis bi now! :(

hey peoples! i hav missed u! i need to stop apologising, dont i? well, we had our first game friday and lost 35 to 13! but, i hav to say (hopfuly without insulting) that Austin"s band and flag corps were way better that decatur's. i must go, even though i havnt visited in forever, but i will be back! love yas! bye!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

new post (finally!!!!!!!!!!)

hey peoples! i hav missed you all soooooooo much and i am excited to be back! there has been so much going on latley that i havn't had time to blog at all:(:(:( *triple sadface* anywho (yeah we are back to that again) i was on my way home tonite from DCF youth group.... helpin sis, one sec..... 'k im back. we were talkin to my uncle bert about privalegis (yea its spelled wrong just deal with it) and rights and he says the whole "that is a privalige, not a right" thing. well i say "people say that this is a privalige, not a right. y dont people say this is a right, not a privalige?" you guys are lucky. i just gave you something to think about into the weee hours of the morning. my mom say to go to bed, as usual. i must go! love yas! bye!!! ;)

how many times must i say sowwy?! ;)

hey peoples! i so infanently sowwy. this will be short, 4 i hav church 2nite at DCF (Decatur Christian Fellowship) and i will (try) to blog wen i get hom. but i hav missed u all imensly and cant wait 4 those comments! love yas ! bye!! ;) *wink*

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sowwy sowwy sowwy sowwy sowwy

hey peoples! i am so so so so so so...... sowwy 4 not blogging after school last nite. i had after school flag practice, french horn lessonss, and hip hop dance lessons, and i got home real late. i was almost late to school this morning, so i couldnt blog this morning. yesterday was awesome!!!!!!!!! 2day sucked so bad!!! mi feet were (and still r) sor from all the walking, i had to sit behinde arkeese (not how u spell his name but i couldnt give a crap) so i had to sit thro all the fat cracks and all the "dang tori! u writin a whole story!" because i, apparently, wrote 2 much wen we had an assignment. i also had algebra 1A homework and some biology homework that incluides markers (wich we dont hav). i still had fun. we mite hav some new followers, but only if they get 2 a computer. anywho, hey victoria (ya, she has the same name as me and is the other manager) and jordan. there r many ways 2 spell that name, so i hope i spelled it right. anywho, (again) i hav missed u all. i still have som stuff 4 mom 2 sign ( since dad is, once again, gone to work. i am going to hav to blog about that whole situation) so i wont be in trouble. jamal just called to tell me to do mi homework, but i finished it while sarah was marching and the flag corp was twirlling and not letting me do anything bcause they dont hav a job for me yet. i am goin to end this post and ad a new 1 about the whole dad situation. i gotta go! love yas! bye!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


hey peoples! it is 5:12 on monday morning. u r oribably wondering y i am up at 5:12. well..... 2day is the first day of high school!!! so... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am not nervous at all. i am totally excited. there will not be any tears (from me. i dont think sarah will stay dried eyed) and i am going to have a wonderful first day. i gotta go eat breakfeast! love yas ! bye!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

followers(and randomness)

hey peoples! wake up! i have some great news! someone (besides me) is following mi blog! yay! i hav a follower! hey wolvenvengeance!! thanks. that was the followers part. here is were the randomness starts. 2day is the last day of non-school. it starts 2morrow and i am so excited! i thought i would be terrified, but im not. i am so excited! (i just said that didnt i) o well. 2morrow at band, i am going to distribute papers with mi blogs URL so people with come visit and follow it. wen i am done with breakfast, i am going to go brush mi teeth, wash mi face, and get dressed for the day. u should do the same. even if u arent going anywhere, get ur blood flowwing. i know some of u r wondering bi now "does this girl ever go to church?" well, mi mom is going to make us start going to DCF (decatur christian fellowship) on wednsday nites bcause they have a good youth group. (do they really? idk) i gotta go! love yas! bye!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


hey peoples! refering to the post AHHHHH!!!!! i got mi ears pierced 2day! OWWWWWWW!!! but the lady who did them was really good and ssuper nice. she reminded me of mi 5th grade teacher, and yes, that is good. anywho, first she showed me the gun and fired it near mi ear so i could hear wat it wood sound lik. it wasnt 2 bad, so i sat down and let her clean and mark mi ears. then she loaded the gun.
"Ok" she said. "im gona count to three" i nod. "one, two-" then she fires the gun and says three. mi dad said i had a look of betrayal on mi face. then she went 2 the other side.
"ya ready?" she asks. then fires the gun and smiles, saying
"too late" then i teared up and started crying (but NOT blubbering lik a baby) and she gave me a pair of free pearl earings. i can change mine in 6 weeks, ot let the holes close up. i am going to visit wolvenvengeance and comment on w.v.'s blog. i gotta go! love yas! bye!!!


hey peoples! this will be short bcause i hav 2 babysit, but owwwww!!!!! i hav two holes in mi head!!!!!!!!! with diamond stars in them!!!!!!!!!!!yay! i love mi ears, but they hurt alittle. i must run, but i will (try to)be back 2nite to blog about wat happened. i gotta go! love yas! bye!!!


hey peoples! sowwy i havnt talked in a while. yesterday was super busy. we went shoe and cloths shopping for school! i am listening to mychael and jeff danna. they are an orchastreaic irish group and the music is beautiful. they are mostley instrumental. so, after we went shopping yesterday, sarah and i had to babysit our neighbors grandkids. they are 4,6,and 7, all boys.(god watch over their parents) in order for us to make them go to sleep, we had to make up a ridiculous story and read a picture book for them. we got home alittle after midnight and i tried to blog some but mom made me go to bed. we have to babysit them againg today. but rhylee and mason will be with their grandpa so it will just be noah. and it won't be all night. last night we charged 15$ per person (since it was me and sarah) and i think we charged mor last time. but for today, it is five$ a person. i am going to get mi ears pierced today! i hope they numb my ears super well so i dont feel anything. everyone says that, since i got my hair cut, i hav the perfect look for pierced ears. i think someone was on my blog. i dont know who since they didnt leave a comment, but they voted on my poll. hey peeps, note:if you do anything on my blog, leave a comment with your name or something. oh, and one more thing: you cant leave comments without a google account. i hav a song 4 u. go to iTunes and try to look up the song NO MORE STONES TO THROW by the band ENTER THE HAGGIS. it mite not be there, but if it is, tell me. i think some of u will like it. i had a terrible dream the other nite. one of my friends (katherwine!!!!!:(:(:() moved recentley and in my dream i was at BAM(Books a Million) with her. we had our arms loked and we were walking to joe muggs. but as i crossed the threshold, i felt her arm dissapeare. i looked back and there was a giant wall of glass and she was on the other side of it. suddenly, she vanished, along with the glass. i searched the entire store, but she was nowhere to be seen. that was when i woke up on a tear stained pillow. i miss her:(:(:(:(:( (five sad faces) but i gotta go. i need to call my mom and then watch PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!! (in love with that movie) Love yas! bye!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

new blog (and randomness)

hey peoples! i was just on an awesome blog. the place you go to is www.wolvenvengeance.blogspot.com. it is great. that was the new blog. here is the randomness. i mite start typing in txt lingo bcause it is faster. if u don't want me 2, tell me. we mite have some new viewers. shout out to gabby and paige! hey guys! i seriously need publicity, so tell everyone you know. just bcause the address says "phat girls" doesn't mean it is just for girls. guys can visit to. i got 3 shots 2day. my GARDASIL, MENINGITIS, and my BOOSTER shots. i hate to admit it, but i blubbered lik a baby. i also hav 2 go shopping 2morrow 4 school clothes. we wont know wat 2 get 4 school until the 1st day bcause the teatchers want us 2 hav a hard 1st day. i am getting mi ears pierced on sat. and i mite back out bcause i have needlephobia(real disease? no clue) and i hav very sensitive ears. shout out to new member kat. hey buddy! love ya! single ladies rule! i gotta go and get the coffee ready 4 in the morning. bye!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

nothin special

hey peoples! i am with y cuz and sis and we are writing a song called YOU'RE DEAD TO ME and it is awesome. i just wanted to say that my time things at the bottom of each post is wrong, so don't think i get up super early in the morning and go to bed super late at night. gotta run! luv ya! bye!!!


hey peoples! me again. ninth grade orientation. it was ok. i dont have any classes with my friends though! :(:(:( triple sad face. wat up with u? send comments people! note: my sis says danger is spelled DOG!!! end of note. calling all single male teens of 14! date me!!! (serious sarcasm. do not take seriously) i have been thinking of starting a website for aspiring teen authors. if i cant start a site, i will start another blog! look out for it. (it has no name yet) gotta run. luv ya! bye!!!

ninth grade (ahhhhhh!!!!!)

hey peoples! good morning. today is my freshman orientation. i will get to see all my friends and enemys (ooohhhh) and get my schedual. i will also tell everyone about my blog. but i am terrified about ninth grade! (with alot of excitment, i might be more excited then scared) we get to have our backpacks to carry around because we will only have time to go to our lockers once! and i am in JROTC! i am doing it to be with friends, to loose weight, and to thern more about the military. it is kinda an interesting subject. and, i love being v.e. (flag corp) manager. it is awesome, and the girls i work with are super sweet and not snobs like everyone thinks. sarah is being the band prodagy,(as usual) and is having a great time. im not sure,but i think she is first trombone! and there are only two girl trombones this year. she will so go down in history (one way or the other.) i am going to try to download a pic of me for all of you to see that i am phat(fat) like you and you are not alone. here is just a regular tip: when you go to a new school, dont do crazy things to make you seem more interesting. just be yourself. and that goes for going into a new grade and your first year of college! i gotta run. luv ya! bye!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


ok i just posted a new post to tell you im back. now here is an update. first the basics. i am now in ninth grade. we start school the tenth of august. (crap!!!) i have redone my polls and my profile, so check it out. i have also become way mor mature than when i started this blog (but i aint boring, i still am immature to the extreme) and i am writing (or starting) so many new books. I have grown in height (and weight) and i cut my hair! it is between my ear and my shoulder and is streaked with red and blonde. luaren had her baby, and rory is the sweetest, feistiest, most preacious babe in the world. i have fallen in love with the book Beowulf, wich i will add to my reading list. sarah and hunter are still a twosome of cutness, and i am doomed to forever envy them. i am crushin, but the crush is forever fading, and soon i will give up. mom is delusional and thinks someone mite have a crush on me, but i doubt it. u wont get healthtips everyday, but occasionaly. and send me some comments peoples! i gota go tell my mom to tell people on her facebook (i know! she has a facebook! i almost died when i found out) to come to my blog and send me comments. i tired so bye!!

i'm back again!!!

hey peoples! omg i am back after a year! i missed you all! i forgot my password so i couldn't get on. i am now in ninth grade, phat, still single and envying my coulped sis all the while. i have missed all you people so much. there is so much to tell you! I dont know were to begin! i hope you were all waiting for new posts. luv ya!