
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

new post (finally!!!!!!!!!!)

hey peoples! i hav missed you all soooooooo much and i am excited to be back! there has been so much going on latley that i havn't had time to blog at all:(:(:( *triple sadface* anywho (yeah we are back to that again) i was on my way home tonite from DCF youth group.... helpin sis, one sec..... 'k im back. we were talkin to my uncle bert about privalegis (yea its spelled wrong just deal with it) and rights and he says the whole "that is a privalige, not a right" thing. well i say "people say that this is a privalige, not a right. y dont people say this is a right, not a privalige?" you guys are lucky. i just gave you something to think about into the weee hours of the morning. my mom say to go to bed, as usual. i must go! love yas! bye!!! ;)

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