
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

new blog (and randomness)

hey peoples! i was just on an awesome blog. the place you go to is www.wolvenvengeance.blogspot.com. it is great. that was the new blog. here is the randomness. i mite start typing in txt lingo bcause it is faster. if u don't want me 2, tell me. we mite have some new viewers. shout out to gabby and paige! hey guys! i seriously need publicity, so tell everyone you know. just bcause the address says "phat girls" doesn't mean it is just for girls. guys can visit to. i got 3 shots 2day. my GARDASIL, MENINGITIS, and my BOOSTER shots. i hate to admit it, but i blubbered lik a baby. i also hav 2 go shopping 2morrow 4 school clothes. we wont know wat 2 get 4 school until the 1st day bcause the teatchers want us 2 hav a hard 1st day. i am getting mi ears pierced on sat. and i mite back out bcause i have needlephobia(real disease? no clue) and i hav very sensitive ears. shout out to new member kat. hey buddy! love ya! single ladies rule! i gotta go and get the coffee ready 4 in the morning. bye!!!

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