
Hi there! My name is Tori, and welcome to my word. These are my random blurbs, intermost thoughts, and secrets that i am ready to tell the world about! Hahaha enjoy it! Comment! Tell your friends!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sowwy sowwy sowwy sowwy sowwy

hey peoples! i am so so so so so so...... sowwy 4 not blogging after school last nite. i had after school flag practice, french horn lessonss, and hip hop dance lessons, and i got home real late. i was almost late to school this morning, so i couldnt blog this morning. yesterday was awesome!!!!!!!!! 2day sucked so bad!!! mi feet were (and still r) sor from all the walking, i had to sit behinde arkeese (not how u spell his name but i couldnt give a crap) so i had to sit thro all the fat cracks and all the "dang tori! u writin a whole story!" because i, apparently, wrote 2 much wen we had an assignment. i also had algebra 1A homework and some biology homework that incluides markers (wich we dont hav). i still had fun. we mite hav some new followers, but only if they get 2 a computer. anywho, hey victoria (ya, she has the same name as me and is the other manager) and jordan. there r many ways 2 spell that name, so i hope i spelled it right. anywho, (again) i hav missed u all. i still have som stuff 4 mom 2 sign ( since dad is, once again, gone to work. i am going to hav to blog about that whole situation) so i wont be in trouble. jamal just called to tell me to do mi homework, but i finished it while sarah was marching and the flag corp was twirlling and not letting me do anything bcause they dont hav a job for me yet. i am goin to end this post and ad a new 1 about the whole dad situation. i gotta go! love yas! bye!!!

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